Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • I. Laptev was program co-chair of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018.

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • G. Varol and Y. Hasson are co-organizers of “Women in Computer Vision Workshop” at European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018.

  • I. Laptev and J. Sivic were co-organizers of “Fine-grained instructional video understanding workshop" at IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018.

Scientific Events Selection

Area chairs
  • IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018 (J. Sivic).

  • European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018 (I. Laptev, J. Sivic).

Member of the Conference Program Committees / reviewer
  • IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018 (J.-B. Alayrac, M. Oquab, R. Rezende, I. Rocco, G. Varol).

  • European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018 (A. Miech, G. Varol, I. Rocco, S. Zagaryuko).

  • Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2018 (J. Sivic).

  • Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2018 (G. Varol).


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • International Journal of Computer Vision (I. Laptev, J. Ponce, J. Sivic).

  • IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (I. Laptev, J. Sivic).

  • Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision (J. Ponce).

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • International Journal of Computer Vision (G. Cheron, M. Trager, G. Varol).

  • IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (J.-B. Alayrac, G. Cheron, M. Trager, G. Varol).

  • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (G. Varol).


  • J. Sivic is senior fellow of the Neural Computation and Adaptive Perception program of the Canadian Institute of Advanced Research.

Invited Talks

  • I. Laptev, Keynote, ICCVG, Warsaw, September, 2018.

  • I. Laptev, Invited talk, EPIC Workshop in conjunction with ECCV'18, Munich, September 2018.

  • I. Laptev, Tutorial, BMVC'18, Newcastle, September 2018.

  • I. Laptev, Invited talk, Workshop on Brave New Ideas for Video Understanding, in conjunction with CVPR'18, Salt Lake City, June 2018.

  • I. Laptev, Invited talk, Journee AI, SAFRAN, Paris, June 2018.

  • I. Laptev, Invited talk, Integrating Vision and Language, Tartu, March 2018.

  • I. Laptev, Keynote, 36th Annual Swedish Symposium on Image Analysis, Stockholm, March 2018.

  • A. Miech, Invited talk, LSCP-ENS seminar, Paris, March 2018.

  • A. Miech, Invited talk, Google, Paris, July 2018.

  • A. Miech, Invited talk, Google, Mountain View, July 2018.

  • A. Miech, Invited talk, Paris ML Meetup, University of Bristol Computer Vision Seminar, Bristol, UK, November 2018.

  • J. Ponce, Artificial Intelligence, French-American Joint Committee Meeting on Science and Technology, College de France, March 9, 2018.

  • J. Ponce, Weakly supervised structure discovery in images and videos, Intelligent robots: autonomy and vision, NYU Abu Dhabi, March 13, 2018.

  • J. Ponce, From vision and robotics to artificial intelligence, Robotics AI: Data science vs motion intelligence symposium co-organized by the French and German Academies of Sciences, Sep. 5, 2018.

  • J. Ponce, Shape, contours, cameras and eyes, Workshop in honor of Jan Koenderink, UC Berkeley, UC berkeley, Oct. 24.

  • J. Ponce, Weakly supervised structure discovery in images and videos, NYU Tandon School of Engineering, New York, Nov. 2, 2018.

  • J. Ponce, Computer vision and visual recognition: historical perspective, new results and challenges, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Nov. 9, 2018.

  • J. Sivic, Invited talk, Paris Sciences et Data, PSL, 02/2018.

  • J. Sivic, Invited talk, AIME@CZ - Czech workshop on applied mathematics in engineering, Czech Technical University, 02/2018.

  • J. Sivic, Invited talk, Deep Learning Workshop, CVPR 2018, Salt Lake City, June 2018.

  • J. Sivic, Invited talk, Landmark Recognition Workshop, CVPR 2018, Salt Lake City, June 2018.

  • J. Sivic, Seminar, UC Berkeley, June 2018.

  • J. Sivic, Invited talk, Workshop on YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding, ECCV 2018, Munich, September 2018.

  • J. Sivic, Invited talk, Prague Informatics Seminar, Charles University, Prague, April 2018.

  • G. Varol, Invited talk, MPI for Informatics, Saarbrucken, Germany 11/2018.

  • G. Varol, Invited talk, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey 10/2018.

  • G. Varol, Invited talk, Deep Learning Meetup at Station F, Paris, France 09/2018.

  • G. Varol, Invited talk, BNP Paribas - Prairie Summer School, Paris, France 08/2018.

  • G. Varol, Invited talk, CTU Center for Machine Perception, Prague, Czech Republic 06/2018.

  • G. Varol, Invited talk, MPI for Intelligent Systems, Tubingen, Germany 04/2018.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Member of the advisory board for the IBM Watson AI Xprize (J. Ponce).

  • Member of the steering committee of France AI (J. Ponce).

  • Member, advisory board, Computer Vision Foundation (J. Sivic).

Scientific Expertise

  • J. Ponce, coordinator of the AI theme for the joint French-American Committee on Science and Technology, 2018-.

Research Administration

  • Member, Bureau du comité des projets, Inria, Paris (J. Ponce)

  • Member, Scientific academic council, PSL Research University (J. Ponce)

  • Member, Research representative committee, PSL Research University (J. Ponce).

  • Member of Inria Commission de developpement technologique (CDT), 2012-2018 (J. Sivic).

  • Member of the Hiring Committe for the tenure track position at CentraleSupelec (I. Laptev).

  • Member of the Hiring Committee for Professor of Computer Vision at CentraleSupelec (I. Laptev).